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Who should I reach out to about Railroad real estate?

Questions about Railroad real estate may be analyzed differently than general real estate questions because…

How much does Utility Permitting typically cost?

Railroad utility permitting can vary widely based on the specifics of your project. Costs associated…

How long does it usually take to obtain a permit?

Timelines will vary depending on the type of request and the railroad.  Plan for at…

I’m not sure who owns the railroad I need to contact – can RailPros provide that information?

The Federal Railroad Administration offers free research resources on its site, RailPros can assist with…

What are protection services? How does RailPros adhere to them?

No work shall be permitted on or about the Railway’s property without determining required  protections…

Is RailPros trained in the proper safety requirements of each railroad carrier?

All contractors granted access to railroad property are expected to abide by safety measures set…