Engineering Our Services Engineering

Track Engineering and rail alignment engineering and design are the basis for most of our design tasks. We have in-house track engineers with experience and knowledge that is unparalleled in the industry. This high level of experience allows us to leverage our understanding of each client’s specific requirements and needs in streamlining the design process by beginning with the final condition in mind. We fully understand that beginning at the conceptual development phase, design decisions impact safety, constructability, operations during construction, regular operations following construction, and maintenance.




We routinely design and manage the construction of railway structures, including railroad and roadway bridges, buildings, retaining walls, drainage and underground structures, and other structures and foundations.




While our focus is rail, we are also involved with civil work that connects to rail projects, including ADA design, at-grade crossings, utilities, street design, grading and drainage, hydrology and hydraulics, culvert design, and SWPPP preparation and inspection.


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