Railway Access FAQ

RailPros Railway Utility & Real Estate FAQ

Founded in 2000, RailPros quickly emerged as an industry leader in railway engineering for railroad track, railroad site infrastructure, rail layout, and railroad development projects. Over the last twenty-two years, RailPros has provided new services to our clients and gained a strong reputation as a trusted and industry-dedicated technical services partner. RailPros now provides exceptional service to customers in all 50 states. Our expertise and service have positioned us an industry leader through active involvement in rail industry professional organizations. We are also active participants in developing the railroad industry’s engineering standards and best practices. RailPros has offices nationwide and are headquartered in Irving, Texas.

RailPros is dedicated to being the premier engineering and diversified safety services partner for America’s Rail and Transit industry. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to contact us to discuss a potential project, you can reach us at (877) 315-0513 or via our contact form.

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Utility Permitting

Category: Utility Permitting

Timelines will vary depending on the type of request and the railroad.  Plan for at least 30-45 days for the review of an application and additional time to secure protection services.  Most railroads offer an expedited application process.

Category: Utility Permitting